I must confess that I am not your usual every day or word session writer , but permit me to take some of your precious time , as this information I have has changed my life , thoughts and thinking in the last few days and will hopefully for the rest of my life .
At a church meeting I attended some days back, the sermon was about the parable of the talents and how and why we should not bury our talents, I am quite familiar with the story but God spoke to me via another angle .
Whilst I am aware that we all have talents and good in us that we must multiply, what was most fascinating about this story at this particular service was that God wasn’t telling me at that service just about the servant with the five and the servant with the two, he was pointing to me most importantly about the servant with ONE talent.
It is noteworthy that in considering the parable of the talents, something was highlighted by the minister and I quote ,
“For the kingdom of Heaven is like a man travelling to a far country, which called HIS OWN SERVANTS and delivered HIS goods to them.”
Matthew 25:14 NKJV
The words in Capital are my emphasis in this paragraph , most especially the latter , one simple fact , you and I are Gods servants and he has delivered HIS goods to us , and peradventure you think you have anything of your own , note the latter which says HIS goods , therefore , there is nothing that a man has that has not been given to him of the father .
But further down after having considered the fact that we have his talents and must increase till his coming , I like many others asked the question of whether God was fair and just in this seemingly unequal distribution, where one had five and the other two and the last one, then he answered me by his word and through his servant.
“And he gave to one five talents, to another two and to another one , TO EACH ACCORDING TO HIS OWN ABILITY; and immediately he went on a journey.
Matthew 25:15 NKJV
The message translation says “depending on their abilities”
This justly answers the question, therefore there is no basis for comparison and he has given me and you according to our abilities and please note that when the master came back, he did not expect more than he gave.
He who he gave five talents brought five back, he who had two brought two back and both were regarded as good servants 100% increase
In contrast to all these good servants , my concern was for the servant with the one talent , I tried to put myself in his shoes , I tried to ask if I was the one how I would feel , WHY ME? WHY ONE?
So I decided to probe further as to this servants justification, I wanted to hear him out and unlike the many times I have read this parable or heard about it , I saw it in a very different light . Suffice to say that most of the time when we read this parable the servant with one talent is painted as a very useless, stupid , good for nothing servant , but I decided to find out for myself his plea and it reads thus .
“the servant given one thousand said “Master , I know that you have high standards and hate careless ways , that you demand the best and make no allowances for error. I was afraid I might disappoint you, so I found a good hiding place and secured your money. Here it is, safe and sound down to the last cent”
Matthew 25:24-25 MSG
After reading this I felt a conviction and I don’t know if you feel same , I felt I was this servant with the one talent and like most of us have decided to just stay cool and as calm as possible , stay away as much as possible , Love God , do his will and all will be well, because we are afraid that God has high standards and hates careless ways and that he demands no allowances for error and we are most afraid that we might disappoint him, so we hide our talent .
But if you are in this group, permit me to quickly quote the verses that follow as a response to this excuse to the servant with one talent.
“The master was furious. ‘That’s a terrible way to live! Its criminal to live cautiously like that! If you knew I was after the best, why did you do less than the least ? The least you could have done would have been to invest the sum with the bankers where at least I would have gotten a little interest.
Take the thousand and give to the one who RISKED THE MOST. And get rid of this “play-it-safe” who won’t go out on a limb. Throw him into utter darkness.”
Matthew 25:26-30 MSG
The message is simple, I have made him furious, I am a criminal , and I did not risk , I m a play it safe and so the one who has risked the most has gottten more, next is utter darkness…………
But NO NO NO, unlike that servant , you still have some time , you might have found a good hiding place and secured your talent , but I want you to dig it out and use it, and remember the talent is not even yours , its HIS.
I just dug mine out, that’s why you are reading this, ITS HIS NOT MINE and he will ask for it someday.
His Word says in Rev 22:12-13, MSG
“Yes I’m on my way! I’ll be there soon! I’m bringing my payroll with me. I’ll pay all people in full for their life’s work. I’m A to Z, the first and the Final, Beginning and Conclusion.

Credits; The Holy Bible (NKJV and MSG translations) that I have read and through which I got the inspirsation , The Holy Spirit who has given this inspiration.
Reference: Pst Fola[Love Assembly]for teaching on the talents when he did.
Salutations: Tolulope Moody and Temiloluwa Ola who continuously laboured in the faith over me that like that like the other servants who traded their talents I might also be a partner with the master.
And also most importantly to Mike, Mary and Faith who await the manifestation of this Son of God., keep praying , keep waiting.

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